Artwork Listing

Zeus dresses up nicely for Leda

Zeus dresses up nicely for Leda

Zeus dresses up nicely for Leda

Zeus dresses up nicely for Leda
Mänttä, Finland

Attempt to extend a found skeleton part. In this case it is a complex bone from a swan, called synsacrum, a skeletal structure which can only be seen in birds and other dinosaurs. The synsacrum is the section of the spine which, as a rigid structure, forms the roof of the pelvis.
Zeus fell in love with Leda and approached her in the form of a swan and impregnated her. But Leda’s husband Tyndareos also slept with her that night and she gave birth to two eggs with four children.

60x40x20 80x20x10
Bones, Paper Mache
Depot Austria